Medical Imaging & Laboratory Professionals, You're in the Right Place...

Work with recruiters who are specialists in Medical Imaging & Laboratory.

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Reliable Healthcare Recruitment Firm

At RSG Health Services, we bring a specialized approach to the healthcare recruiting industry. Unlike most traditional recruiting and staffing firms, our recruiters specialize in the areas of radiology and laboratory. That’s it! This specialized training means they are knowledgeable and can provide competent service to our clients.

RSG Health Services also realizes that every organization has different recruiting strategies and budgets. Therefore, we make it a standard practice to evaluate each client the same way, but offer different strategies and payment terms based upon specific recruitment objectives.

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Our Specialization, Your Success…

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Healthcare Employers

Unlike traditional headhunters, our goal is not only to help you locate top talent for your organization, but to do it ethically. Whether it is offering special discounts to Critical Access Hospitals, or providing you with national compensation data so you can make market adjustments, we can help.

In addition to our flexible terms, for every full-service client we represent we can also provide strategic marketing services that tend to produce above average results. This means we have the ability to target the type of employee you need by zip code, education, certification, licensure and a variety of other criteria to ensure you are reaching the right people. This has proven to be more effective than newspapers, journals and job board advertising. How many times have you posted a job on your website or a job board and received no responses? …or worse, you only received responses from unqualified candidates who did not hold the appropriate education or credentials for the job? If this has happened, you’re not alone. Let us provide you an alternative solution.

Job Seekers

If you want to work with a recruiter who actually knows what you do, then call us. Whether you are an experienced Sonographer trying to reduce your on-call schedule, or a Cath Lab Tech interested in a better place to live, we can help. The facilities we work for are looking for experienced and competent staff who want to be a part of a team, not jump from travel assignment to travel assignment. They are typically focused on selecting candidates who they believe are making a job change for many reasons, not just money. This could be things such as a healthier work environment, better schedule, advancement opportunities, etc. While we realize that financial growth is important, we also understand that it is usually second in importance behind job satisfaction. If you are looking for a Radiology Tech job, MRI Tech job, CT Tech job or Medical Technologist job, you’ve come to the right place.

Compensation has been a controversial subject over the past few years, and RSG Health Services provides current compensation data to healthcare providers who are interested in comparing their pay rate, to rates in other areas on the country. All of our compensation data is based upon actual offers that were made during a fiscal year by our clients, including relocation packages, bonuses, shift differentials and other benefits. It is important to understand that cost of living in certain areas may be more or less, so we provide you tools to compare the most important factors and help you with the decision making process.

When working with RSG Health Services to find a new position, the most important thing we ask is that you consider the entire employment package. Everything from working hours, insurance plans, retirement benefits, location, cost of living, opportunity for advancement, climate, schools, crime, taxes, and yes… pay.

Preparation is key! We see hundreds of résumés each month and speak to many job seekers who are not prepared for this competitive job market. If you have not put together a strategy for marketing yourself, you’re not going to make the cut. In today’s competitive job market, it’s imperative that you make a solid first impression with a quality résumé and be prepared to answer difficult and engaging Competency Based Interview Questions. Our staff will help prepare you for the interview and make sure your first impression is the best it can be.

If you do not have a résumé, have just thrown one together, or it has been a while since you have updated it, RSG Health Services has résumé services available for you.

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Don't be shy. Say hi!

At RSG Health Services, we bring an honest approach to the healthcare search and staffing industry. Contact us today and discover why hundreds of hospitals work with us when they need extra resources for recruiting. You’ll find out why hiring managers everywhere try us for our price, but keep us for our service.

If you are an employer and have never worked with us before, ask about our NEW CLIENT PROMOTION and save 20% on your first full-time hire.

If you are looking for a CT Tech job, MRI Tech job, Radiology Tech job or Medical Technologist job, we are here to help.